Suffolk Fairtrade Video Project

Suffolk Fairtrade Video Project The project is to produce a Suffolk Fairtrade video, by young people, for young people. It is being promoted by the Suffolk Association of Fairtrade Towns (SAFT) and led by the Sir John Leman High School in Beccles, supported by Trimley St Mary Primary School and the Youth Forum of Felixstowe Town Council. It is being produced in co-operation with Patrick Kaberia, the Patron of SAFT, a Fairtrade Farmer from Michimikuru in Kenya, who will be visiting Suffolk from 20th – 24th September. The video will include footage from Michimikuru and Suffolk and will feature young people and their experience of Fairtrade. The aim is to put together contributions from schools and other sources in the period leading up to and including Fairtrade Fortnight (9th – 22nd September). The target is to have the finished version available by the end of October and made available to all schools in Suffolk. The video will be between 5 and 10 mins long with a proposed working title ‘Growing up with Fairtrade’ reflecting the theme and content of the video. Participating schools are invited to submit short video clips in landscape format for potential inclusion on the video. Mobile phone footage is fine. Submissions, by email, should be sent to Niall Riches at<> . If attachments are too large to send over email please upload items to a cloud based storage system (Google Drive, OneDrive, Dropbox etc.), and then email over an access link to the same address. (Niall is happy to support wherever needed if anyone is struggling to send their footage.) The covering email should include confirmation that parental permission has been obtained for children to appear in the video.
Due to restrictions on the length of the video and editing considerations it may not be possible to include all submissions. It is therefore being proposed that a parallel video is produced which can feature more contributions in a ‘collage’ format. This would have a musical accompaniment but no commentary. It could be used in assemblies as background while pupils are arriving for the main video or on a loop at exhibitions and displays. All comments and suggestions for content are welcomed and should be sent to<>